Diversification of Superior Forage Feed and Ration Formulation Techniques for Etawa (PE) Goats
1Ni Ketut Etty Suwitari, 2Luh Suariani, 3Made Yudiastari, 4Yan Tonga, 5I Gusti Agus Maha Putra Sanjaya , 6Armando B.M. Afonso
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia
6Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e

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Singapadu Kaler Village is a village located in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. This village was formed in 1991. Singapadu Kaler Village consists of five (5) service hamlets namely Silakarang, Kederi, Samu, Belang and Belang Kaler. The population of Singapadu Kaler Village until 2020 totals 6645 people consisting of 3,271 men and 3,374 women. Most of the villagers' livelihoods are farmers so that the village is proclaimed as an agro-tourism. In Singapadu Village there is a Suka Tawa Farmers Group which is a group that raises Etawa Peranakan PE goats which are dairy goats to produce goat milk products. However, this group does not yet know and provide quality or superior forage forage, so they still make use of the forages / leaves around them. In addition to raising goats, varied forage is also needed of good quality, knowledge of good feed formulation techniques for dairy goats is needed so that they can provide optimal milk production. Group members wish to get superior forage seeds, as well as assistance with planting them and also appropriate feed formulation techniques for PE goats, so that quality forage will be available throughout the year. The activity will be carried out at the Suka Tawa Farmer Group in Singapadu Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency, Bali. The Suka Tawa Livestock Group is familiar with several superior forages, masters the cultivation technology, ration formulation and understands and understands the nutritional needs of Etawa Breeding Goats. Technology mastery is almost 80%, so it is necessary to provide further assistance to the group during the first, second cutting and forage maintenance and presentation techniques so that the forage remains of good quality.


Forage, formulation, Etawa crossbreed goat, Singapada kaler, ration, Pakchong grass, odot grass


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